Mr.Arvind Patel holds Master Degree in Chemistry and MBA in Marketing management. He has wide experience in the field of finished pharmaceuticals production and planning.He has worked in well known pharmaceutical company in field of production and planning department before he established own firms.
He has established the companynamed A & A Orgo chem Pvt. Ltd. The company is engaged into trading, import & export of various chemicals, solvents & allied products. The company is incorporated as Private Limited company on 1st April 2006.
He has established the company named Hindustan chemical under his proprietorship in May 1996.
In the month of July in 2016, He has incorporated the company named Expresolv Limited (Formerly known as Expresolv Private Limited) with aim of manufacturing of pharmaceutical excipients and bulk fine chemicals.
He is Chairman and Managing Director of A & A orgo chem Pvt. Ltd. as well as Expresolv Limited since establishment of both company.