The relentless hard work and dedication paid off as "Expresolv Limited" embarked on a new expansion, setting up a state-of-the-art production facility with enormous capacity. This marked a significant leap forward in the company's journey, solidifying its position as a prominent player in the chemical industry with both domestic and international presence.
In this pivotal year, "Expresolv LLC" was founded in Texas, USA, marking an expansion into international markets. Additionally, "Expresolv Private Limited" was incorporated and transformed into "Expresolv Limited," reflecting a significant step towards growth and excellence.
To better cater to customer needs, "A and A Logistics" was established to streamline logistics operations.
A significant milestone was achieved as "Expresolv Private Limited" was founded, backed by its own manufacturing setup.
The trading business expanded, leading to the establishment of "A and A Orgo Chem."
Hindustan Chemicals was founded as a trading firm by Mr. Arvind Patel, leveraging his chemical background.